Friday, July 24, 2009


"Clover" Photo courtesy

I've been so tired this week that I've not had much time or energy to blog. I slept better last night, so here I am! My internet connection has been really poor lately also. I've been putting off getting a better connection for so long now, that my boyfriend is telling me that he's ready to start paying for it himself, if I don't fix the problem. So far, I've not agreed to let him do this. I might feel differently if we lived together, and he were paying for something that both of us were using, but I think that I shouldn't get better internet service unless I'm willing to pay for it myself every month. It's very sweet of him to offer though. He knows how frustrating it's been for me to get and stay on-line, and it's difficult for him to watch my frustration without wanting to try to relieve it.

Today, I found some beautiful pictures on-line that I'd like to share. I've never been to Ireland. Some of my ancestors are from there, and some of my family have talked about how wonderful it would be to take a trip to Ireland, but we've never gone. Sigh! Who knows, maybe I'll go to Ireland someday. . .

"Carrowmore" Photo courtesy

"Glengesh Pass in Ireland" Photo courtesy

"Ireland" Photo courtsey

Until I type again,

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