Thursday, June 18, 2009

Signs That You Might Be A Storybook Character

Storybooks are filled with princesses and princes, heroes and villains, and countless other magical creatures. So, even if you're in a storybook, it certainly doesn't guarantee that you'll having a happy ending. While I can not offer you conclusive proof that you are actually a work of fiction, here are some signs that you might be a storybook character.

1. You have an endless supply of ballgowns and recently cut your foot when your glass shoe shattered.

2. You never sleep soundly because every time you start to fall into a deep sleep, your boyfriend kisses you awake and nervously checks you for a pulse.

3. You live under a bridge and frequently harass passersby.

4. You have very involved conversations with woodland creatures who possess annoyingly high-pitched voices.

5. You're a vertically challenged, hardworking guy who goes by a name like "Dopey" or "Grumpy".

6. You're always obsessing before that mirror and demanding it to tell you that you're the fairest in the land.

7. You recently filed a police report after a rude blond broke into your house, ate your cereal, damaged your chair and was caught while sleeping in your bed.

8. You rent a limo, but you're disappointed that it's not pumpkin-shaped.

9. You walk around with a sword and tights, although your not an actor and have never attended a Renaissance Faire.

10. Your former house was made out of straw or sticks, but now you live with two obese brothers in a house made out of brick.

11. You have a wicked step mother.

12. You're relieved when you discover that your girlfriend is a mermaid because it finally explains why her house smells like tuna.

13. You've had a near-death experience involving dwarfs and waking up in a glass coffin.

14. Your hair is so long that you could braid it and have a prince use it as a rope.

15. You hang around swamps, kissing frogs, hoping one will turn into a prince.

16. You've once fired a fairy godmother or a genie for failing to grant all your wishes.

17. You buy more wart remover than you buy any other product.

18. You live in an edible house.

19. You're not bright enough to immediately recognize that a wolf in a night gown is not your grandma.

20. You've developed an allergy to pixie dust, due to frequent exposure.

21. You're pleased that you've found a beautiful girlfriend even though you're a very hairy and unattractive fellow.

22. You quit your day job to fight dragons.

23. You try to foist shiny, red apples onto pretty girls while you, yourself, look in desperate need of some cosmetics and a new wardrobe.

24. You attended grief counselling after someone dropped a house on your sister.

Until I type again,

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